Raissa’s Relay Races

Raissa Kanku is a second year from Democratic Republic of Congo and one of the student coordinators for the house programme this year. The Second House event of the Year, is named after Raissa.

Raissa’s Relay Races were a compilation of childhood games which adequately challenged all houses and helped everyone to reminisce their youthful days.

Houses competed in four events, the first being “Rush Hour.” In this game, each house had to have two students, a boy and girl dress up in their complete uniform and this event ended in a three way tie between Zambezi, Volta and Nile.

The second event, an egg and spoon relay race ended with Congo carting away maximum points while the sack race which was the third event saw Volta take home maximum points.

In the closing event and decider, Niger House stole the points while Nile House came second and stole the day as a whole.

This event marked a first seeing as Nile House came first for the first time in over a year and it shall be interesting to see how they continue throughout the year.

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