SEPs 2014/2015

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives…or so are the life spans of some Student Enterprise Programs (SEPs). It’s around that time again when the EL department takes on the heavy task of deciding what SEPs remain functioning on the ALA campus, what SEPs we bid farewell to *cue Rihanna*  (if you did not get my reference, please see the music video below) and the SEPs that will replace the ones that are leaving.

SEPs that will begin in the year 2014/2015

All 4 Girls Empowerment
Arts for Activism
Arts in African Education
Ed. Tech
Entrepreneurs without Borders

SEPs that will remain functional for the year 2013/2015

African Baccalaureate
ALAians Media
Bezos Scholars
Duka Bora
Radio Skika
Sanyu Productions
SEPs that we say goodbye to

Afrik’ Art

Afrik’Art was a student enterprise project dedicated to promoting Art and Culture on the ALA campus. It was known for its birthday posters, African jewelry and cards that they sold. The SEP was in charge of coordinating cultural exchanges and organizing open-mic sessions on campus. Afrik’ Art has been a blessing to the community and will be dearly missed.
Aroma Emporium

Aroma Emporium acted as the one-stop shop for all hygienic supplies on campus. It was known for its ability to give you two Rands if you needed to dry your clothes in the dryer. It will be missed on campus as it prevented trips to the mall for some and helped people out in hygenic emergencies.
Green Dorm

Green Dorm was the SEP that helped the campus stay green and tried to educate the community on the importance of recycling in fun innovative ways such as: the advisory lunch raffle that became popular with the students. We hope the campus stay green and we thank Green Dorm for all their efforts.

Whilst not widely known on campus, Oyama was an SEP that hoped to match people with ideas and projects to start in Africa to donors. This matching fund is clearly too large to be carried out on campus but rumor has it that the members of this SEP hope to continue with it, even after ALA.

Ten50 was the salon on campus cleverly named after our school address 1050 Printech Avenue (for those of you that didn’t know). It was known for its ability to transform bad hair days into better one and its innovation in the hairstyles or nails that were done by its members. It will be missed.

A follow-up article describing the services provided and members in the new SEPs beginning 2014/2015 will be published shortly.